intertwining functionality and creavitity
The majority of corporate offices tend to favour practicality over aesthetics - think drab carpets, lifeless white walls, and a lacklustre colour palette of white, grey, and black. Megastrike was designed to steer clear from your typical office interior through the use of different colours and materials to create a multi-layered experience that is both visually appealing and functional.
Inspired by the company's background in the plastic trade, the multifarious properties of the highly versatile material, and the vibrant atmosphere of boutique hotels, the multi-layered concept of this project is apparent in its ambience, the ceiling and the flooring. A myriad of materials and colours were used in this project, ranging from the all-purpose light wood to the trendy terrazzo; as well as the vibrant combination of orange and blue that were utilised to make specific areas pop.